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A member registered Aug 22, 2018

Recent community posts

Why is this good? Why do I keep playing? Why is this so incredibly horny to me? orz

I don't usually comment but I see alot of potential in this game! If you ever open a Kofi or Patreon, I'll definitely support this project. I look forward to more.

Amazing Demo!!! It feels very polished and super nice to play. The art is excellent as well. Definitely worth supporting  

Hey! I think this is pretty cool! I love pinball cabinets as well as animals so it's a best of both worlds heh.  I'd love to see more of this improved upon. Also I think your other project is pretty nifty as well :3c 

Thank you! it worked

How do take Roushk back to the prison? I maxed out the prison upgrades and I've been using the reptile lures. 

Really promising! I love love love the style and the characters. Def needs more recognition!  

Nvm just got it

I've talked to the merchant about the route and northcrest but nothing appears on my map. I'm trying to wander and look around the River bank for it 

keep up the good work!